Monday, February 4, 2013

Daily Life And Economy :D

     There are mean things going on in the utopias life and economy system. To me a utopia means a place where everyone can enjoy themselves. They are able to be themselves where no one will judge them. My utopia would be a peaceful place. All the parents would have a job. So one would have to get laid off. Everyone would make around the same amount of money every week. There would be something the kids can do everyday so they won't be lazy and stay inside everyday. The schools in my utopia would be four days long for eight hours. What if you dojn't go to school or to your job? Well you will just simply have to make up any work you missed that day. What happenes when you get old and retire? You will be tooken care of. You will have all the help you need when you arent able to do many things anymore. wouldn't everyone want some free-time, where they could do whatever they wanted? Well yes, after the last day of school of the week the kids and adults could do anything they want. You could watch tv or play sports or sleep. There would be a time in the day where you are able to have your breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It depends on where you are who you'll go eat with. I want everyone in my utopia to be treated the same. No one would have to worry about bullies, or their bosses. Their will be doctors and everything so you can be healthy. If you get sick it would be the best thing to miss whatever you have to do that day so no one else will get sick.


  1. Your utopia is great! I would totally go there because it sound wonderful!!

    ~Clara~ :)

  2. It sounds very peaceful! I like it.
